
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Was World War One Responsible for Nicholas Ii’s Downfall?

Emily Hawkins How far do you agree that Nicholas II’s downfall was caused by World War 1? 1914 was a devastating year for many countries of the world, as world war one began to take full effect. But as world war one shook the world; it began to question Nicholas II’s ability to rule Russia. In this essay i will discuss the extent of world war one’s responsibility in Nicholas II’s downfall, and the extent of other contributing factors. I will argue that Nicholas II’s own traits as a leader were the main reason for his downfall.On the one hand, world war one had a huge impact on the Tsar and his country. Firstly, the cost of the war was placing a huge strain on Russia’s economy. Taxes increased hugely and the cost of living rose by 300%, so in order to try and help the economy through the struggling times of world war one, the government printed more money, making all money worthless. The people of Russia were now struggling even more than they were before the war had begun. Secondly, the Germans were forcing the Russians to retreat and they were therefore losing a lot of land.The impact of the battle of Tannenburg, where 30,000 troops were killed and 95,000 captured had a huge impact on the army’s moral, and by the end of 1916, 2 million soldiers had left the army. The commander in chief shot himself because of how bad the country and the army were doing, and soon after, the Tsar himself took on the role of commander in chief, although he lacked ability and knowledge. Also, the military had a lack of resources, in each regiment in the army; there was one gun per three people; the Tsar was blamed for many of the military downfalls, and this was one of them.The Russian transport system was also facing serious problems, and the ammunitions being made in the factories weren’t getting to the front line. Thirdly, world war one was causing huge food shortages; in Moscow in 1914, Russia was receiving 2200 wagons of grain and by Christmas 1916, the number of carts was down to just 300. This was because of distribution problems; nobody could sort the carts out properly. They were prioritized to the front line, so that the soldiers got the first carts.But after the front line had been sent their grain, there was nobody sorting out the rest of it; there were carts found with bread rotting away, bread that the starving Russian people were missing out on. Although world war one was not the sole reason for Nicholas’ downfall, it did act as a catalyst. It increased the severity of the existing problems that Russia was facing. It also highlighted that the Tsar and the Romanov dynasty was no longer capable of ruling the country and that they didn’t have the support and determination to rule the country through a world war.On the other hand, there were many other reasons that the Tsar’s downfall occurred. Firstly, the strikes and demonstrations in Moscow and Petrograd were causing h uge disruption, and when the Tsar tried to return to Petrograd, his train was stopped and he realised that he couldn’t control the protestors; a major sign that he had no control of Russia and its people. Secondly, the revolutionary parties were spreading their radical ideas around the country, and also highlighting the weaknesses of the Romanov dynasty.The Tsar’s downfall was prone because of the amount of opposition that he faced and his loss of support to the other political parties. Parties such as the Bolsheviks, Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Populists educated the peasants and working-class people on the need for a new type of leadership; this encouraged strikes and discontent. Many of the strikes were purely because of the appalling living and working conditions, and for a while, the people united together because of the war, but when the Russian people began to feel the true cost of the war, the protests began to re-occur and more support for the Tsar was lost.Thirdly, because of the troops refusing to shoot at protestors on 25th of February, the army felt no longer obliged to be loyal to the Tsar. As long as the Tsar was not supported by the army, he had no chance of successfully running Russia. The Duma also refused orders to dissolve, and 12 of its members formed a committee that planned to take over Russia; the called themselves ‘The Provisional Government’. The soviets also issued ‘Order number 1’ which demanded that all officers in the army be elected by their men, proving that the Tsar had lost all of his power.Therefore, there were many factors involved in the Tsar’s downfall, such as the political opposition, strikes and the disloyalty of the army and the Duma. Once people started to support the other political parties, they lost all loyalty for the ‘God appointed’ Tsar. The strikes highlighted the weaknesses of the Tsar’s leadership skills and proved that he couldnâ⠂¬â„¢t no longer control and rule Russia. The disloyalty of the army and the Duma completely removed all of his power, meaning that Nicholas could no longer be Tsar.I personally believe that Nicholas II was responsible for his own downfall. Although there was definitely contributing factors, his naive attitude and inability to effectively rule a country caused his downfall. Nicholas failed to trust key advisors such as Witte and Stolypin and despite him issuing the October Manifesto; he preserved his own autocratic power through the fundamental laws, which the Russian people didn’t like. He failed to think and plan ahead to create a better future for Russia, he didn’t think like a leader should.Even though the war was already a huge strain on Russia, and on Nicholas, he still felt it necessary to take over the role of commander in chief of the army; although he had no experience or knowledge of the role. He was blamed for many of the army’s failure, and people s topped believing in him. By Christmas 1916, the Russian army were struggling and with Nicholas II as an unqualified leader, poor communications and shortages of food and supplies led to problems and Nicholas was blamed for the 1. million soldiers who died, the 3. 9 million wounded and the 2. 4 million who were now prisoners. As Nicholas was busy trying to incapably run the army, he left his wife in charge of Russia, his wife that nobody liked. As she was German born, the Russian people thought that she was sympathetic to the enemy, and they deeply mistrusted her. The Russian people looked at their leadership and saw the ineffectiveness; they began to look for alternative leaders.Also, people disliked the Tsar, as he took key advice from Rasputin, who was disliked by the population for making many ministerial changes, and they thought that he was having an affair with the Tsarina. Some radical parties began to plot the death of Rasputin as the Russian people looked for alternatives t o the Romanov dynasty. Therefore Nicholas was responsible for his own downfall. People began to dislike him after he failed to listen to his key advisors and improve Russia. This was made worse by his inability to share power with the Dumas or any other political opposition.Russian people also hated the fact that Nicholas had taken the role of commander in chief of the army. He was unable to run the country, let alone the army as well. He had almost run Russia into the ground, and then he left it in the hands of someone that none of the population liked or trusted, so that he could take up a role he knew nothing about; which he failed at miserably, letting the country and the army down. Therefore, i believe that Nicholas was responsible for his own downfall.There were many other things to blame though, such as world war one, the disloyalty of the army, and his political opposition. As soon as world war one started, the Russian people began to see that Nicholas was incapable of runni ng Russia and they looked towards the opposition for a way out of the autocratic state they had suffered so long. Once the loyalty of the army was lost, Nicholas had no chance of getting Russia back to how it was 100’s of years before. He knew that his time of autocracy, and the time of the Romanov dynasty was up.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Doppler Effect

Doppler effect The Doppler effect, named after Christian Doppler, is the change in frequency and wavelength of a wave as perceived by an observer moving relative to the source of the waves. For waves that propagate in a wave medium, such as sound waves, the velocity of the observer and of the source are relative to the medium in which the waves are transmitted. The total Doppler effect may therefore result from motion of the source, motion of the observer, or motion of the medium. Each of these effects is analysed separately. For waves which do not require a medium, such as light or gravity in special relativity, only the relative difference in velocity between the observer and the source needs to be considered. [pic] [pic] A source of waves moving to the left. The frequency is higher on the left, and lower on the right. | | Doppler first proposed the effect in 1842 in the monograph Uber das farbige Licht der Doppelsterne und einige andere Gestirne des Himmels – Versuch einer das Bradleysche Theorem als integrierenden Teil in sich schliessender allgemeiner Theorie (On the coloured light of the binary refracted stars and other celestial bodies – Attempt of a more general theory including Bradley's theorem as an integral part). [1] The hypothesis was tested for sound waves by the Dutch scientist Christoph Hendrik Diederik Buys Ballot in 1845. He confirmed that the sound's pitch was higher as the sound source approached him, and lower as the sound source receded from him. Hippolyte Fizeau discovered independently the same phenomenon on electromagnetic waves in 1848 (in France, the effect is sometimes called â€Å"effet Doppler-Fizeau†). It is often overlooked that in Doppler's publications (and also Einstein's in his discussion of the Doppler effect) he explicitly acknowledges that his formulae are only approximate since he made several mathematical approximations in his derivation. Doppler's derivation is repeated more or less verbatim in most modern textbooks but often without the warning that the formulas are only valid in some (experimentally often seen) limits. In Britain, John Scott Russell made an experimental study of the Doppler effect. In 1848, Russell reported his study of the Doppler effect. (J. S. Russell, â€Å"On certain effects produced on sound by the rapid motion of the observer†, Brit. Assn. Rep. , vol. 18, p. 37 (1848). An English translation of Doppler's 1842 monograph can be found in the book by Alec Eden, â€Å"The search for Christian Doppler†, Springer-Verlag 1992. In this book, Eden felt doubtful regarding Doppler's conclusions on the colour of double stars, but he was convinced regarding Doppler's conclusions on sound. [pic] [pic] An illustration of the Doppler effect[2]. The relationship between observed frequency f' and emitted frequency f is given by: [pic] where pic]is the velocity of waves in the medium (in air at T degrees Celsius, this is 332(1 + T/273)1/2 m/s) [pic]is the velocity of the source (the object emitting the sound) Because we are using an inertial reference system, the velocity of an object moving towards the observer is considered as negative, so the detected frequency increases (This is because the source's velocity is in the denominator. ) Conversely, detected frequency decreases when the source moves away, and so the source's velocity is added when the motion is away. In the limit where the speed of the wave is much greater than the relative speed of the source and observer (this is often the case with electromagnetic waves, e. g. light), the relationship between observed frequency f? and emitted frequency f is given by: |Change in frequency |Observed frequency | |[pic] |[pic] | where [pic]is the transmitted frequency [pic]is the velocity of the transmitter relative to the receiver in meters per second: positive when moving towards one another, negative when moving away [pic]is the speed of wave (3? 08  m/s for electromagnetic waves travelling in air or a vacuum) [pic]is the wavelength of the transmitted wave subject to change. As mentioned previously, these two equations are only accurate to a first order approximation. However, they work reasonably well in the case considered by Doppler, i. e. when the speed between the source and receiver is slow relative to the speed of the waves involved and the distance between the source and receiver is l arge relative to the wavelength of the waves. If either of these two approximations are violated, the formulae are no longer accurate. Analysis It is important to realize that the frequency of the sounds that the source emits does not actually change. To understand what happens, consider the following analogy. Someone throws one ball every second in a man's direction. Assume that balls travel with constant velocity. If the thrower is stationary, the man will receive one ball every second. However, if the thrower is moving towards the man, he will receive balls more frequently because the balls will be less spaced out. The converse is true if the thrower is moving away from the man. So it is actually the wavelength which is affected; as a consequence, the perceived frequency is also affected. It may also be said that the velocity of the wave remains constant whereas wavelength changes; hence frequency also changes. If the moving source is emitting waves through a medium with an actual frequency f0, then an observer stationary relative to the medium detects waves with a frequency f given by [pic]which can be written as: [pic], here v is the speed of the waves in the medium and vs, r is the speed of the source with respect to the medium (positive if moving away from the observer, negative if moving towards the observer), radial to the observer. With a relatively slow moving source, vs, r is small in comparison to v and the equation approximates to [pic]. A similar analysis for a moving observer and a stationary source yields the observed frequency (the observer's velocity being represented as vo): [p ic], where the same convention applies  : vo is positive if the observer is moving way from the source, and negative if the observer is moving towards the source. These can be generalized into a single equation with both the source and receiver moving. However the limitations mentioned above still apply. When the more complicated exact equation is derived without using any approximations (just assuming that everything: source, receiver, and wave or signal are moving linearly) several interesting and perhaps surprising results are found. For example, as Lord Rayleigh noted in his classic book on sound, by properly moving it is possible to hear a symphony being played backwards. This is the so-called â€Å"time reversal effect† of the Doppler effect. Other interesting cases are that the Doppler effect is time dependent in general (thus we need to know not only the source and receivers' velocities, but also their positions at a given time) and also in some circumstances it is possible to receive two signals or waves from a source (or no signal at all). In addition there are more possibilities than just the receiver approaching the signal and the receiver receding from the signal. All these additional complications are for the classical—i. . , nonrelativistic Doppler effect. However, all these results also hold for the relativistic Doppler effect as well. The first attempt to extend Doppler's analysis to light waves was soon made by Fizeau. In fact, light waves do not require a medium to propagate and the correct understanding of the Doppler effect for light requires the use of the Special Theory of Relativity. See relativistic Doppler effect. Ap plications [pic] [pic] A stationary microphone records moving police sirens at different pitches depending on their relative direction. Everyday The siren on a passing emergency vehicle will start out higher than its stationary pitch, slide down as it passes, and continue lower than its stationary pitch as it recedes from the observer. Astronomer John Dobson explained the effect thus: â€Å"The reason the siren slides is because it doesn't hit you. † In other words, if the siren approached the observer directly, the pitch would remain constant (as vs, r is only the radial component) until the vehicle hit him, and then immediately jump to a new lower pitch. Because the vehicle passes by the observer, the radial velocity does not remain constant, but instead varies as a function of the angle between his line of sight and the siren's velocity: [pic] where vs is the velocity of the object (source of waves) with respect to the medium, and ? is the angle between the object's forward velocity and the line of sight from the object to the observer. Astronomy [pic] [pic] Redshift of spectral lines in the optical spectrum of a supercluster of distant galaxies (right), as compared to that of the Sun (left). The Doppler effect for electromagnetic waves such as light is of great use in astronomy and results in either a so-called redshift or blueshift. It has been used to measure the speed at which stars and galaxies are approaching or receding from us, that is, the radial velocity. This is used to detect if an apparently single star is, in reality, a close binary and even to measure the rotational speed of stars and galaxies. The use of the Doppler effect for light in astronomy depends on our knowledge that the spectra of stars are not continuous. They exhibit absorption lines at well defined frequencies that are correlated with the energies required to excite electrons in various elements from one level to another. The Doppler effect is recognizable in the fact that the absorption lines are not always at the frequencies that are obtained from the spectrum of a stationary light source. Since blue light has a higher frequency than red light, the spectral lines of an approaching astronomical light source exhibit a blueshift and those of a receding astronomical light source exhibit a redshift. Among the nearby stars, the largest radial velocities with respect to the Sun are +308 km/s (BD-15 °4041, also known as LHS 52, 81. 7 light-years away) and -260 km/s (Woolley 9722, also known as Wolf 1106 and LHS 64, 78. 2 light-years away). Positive radial velocity means the star is receding from the Sun, negative that it is approaching. Temperature measurement Another use of the Doppler effect, which is found mostly in astronomy, is the estimation of the temperature of a gas which is emitting a spectral line. Due to the thermal motion of the gas, each emitter can be slightly red or blue shifted, and the net effect is a broadening of the line. This line shape is called a Doppler profile and the width of the line is proportional to the square root of the temperature of the gas, allowing the Doppler-broadened line to be used to measure the temperature of the emitting gas. Radar Main article: Doppler radar The Doppler effect is also used in some forms of radar to measure the velocity of detected objects. A radar beam is fired at a moving target—a car, for example, as radar is often used by police to detect speeding motorists—as it approaches or recedes from the radar source. Each successive wave has to travel further to reach the car, before being reflected and re-detected near the source. As each wave has to move further, the gap between each wave increases, increasing the wavelength. In some situations, the radar beam is fired at the moving car as it approaches, in which case each successive wave travels a lesser distance, decreasing the wavelength. In either situation, calculations from the Doppler effect accurately determine the car's velocity. The proximity fuze which was developed during World War II also relies on Doppler radar. Medical imaging and blood flow measurement An echocardiogram can, within certain limits, produce accurate assessment of the direction of blood flow and the velocity of blood and cardiac tissue at any arbitrary point using the Doppler effect. One of the limitations is that the ultrasound beam should be as parallel to the blood flow as possible. Velocity measurements allow assessment of cardiac valve areas and function, any abnormal communications between the left and right side of the heart, any leaking of blood through the valves (valvular regurgitation), and calculation of the cardiac output. Contrast-enhanced ultrasound using gas-filled microbubble contrast media can be used to improve velocity or other flow-related medical measurements. Although â€Å"Doppler† has become synonymous with â€Å"velocity measurement† in medical imaging, in many cases it is not the frequency shift (Doppler shift) of the received signal that is measured, but the phase shift (when the received signal arrives). Velocity measurements of blood flow are also used in other fields of medical ultrasonography, such as obstetric ultrasonography and neurology. Velocity measurement of blood flow in arteries and veins based on Doppler effect is an effective tool for diagnosis of vascular problems like stenosis. [3] Flow measurement Instruments such as the laser Doppler velocimeter (LDV), and Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) have been developed to measure velocities in a fluid flow. The LDV and ADV emit a light or acoustic beam, and measure the Doppler shift in wavelengths of reflections from particles moving with the flow. The actual flow is computed as a function of the water velocity and face. This technique allows non-intrusive flow measurements, at high precision and high frequency. Underwater acoustics In military applications the Doppler shift of a target is used to ascertain the speed of a submarine using both passive and active sonar systems. As a submarine passes by a passive sonobuoy, the stable frequencies undergo a Doppler shift, and the speed and range from the sonobuoy can be calculated. If the sonar system is mounted on a moving ship or an another submarine, then the relative velocity can be calculated.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Arthur Conan Doyle build Essay

Arthur Conan Doyle used the character named Sherlock Holmes to create a murder mystery genre short story. He uses the clever, sly and mysterious character to capture the readers. At the time the stories were written the Victorians were very frightened of crime because the police at the time weren’t stopping crime as they should, also at the time the fearsome â€Å"Jack the Ripper† was loose on the slums of London, so this new character brought some relief to the frightened citizens. At the time the police were failing to commit to there job and stop the crime that was taking place. This meant there was a lot of fear about crime around because the people of London had no force to protect themselves from the evil on the streets. At this time Arthur Conan Doyle tapped into this idea and created Holmes, this gave relief to the readers. Doyle had to use one of the main techniques in a murder mystery story to keep the story alive, keeping tension and suspense at a high throughout. Towards the start of the mystery Doyle builds up the idea of the story by showing the idea of fear in Helen Stoner. When Helen says â€Å"It is not cold which makes me shiver† and â€Å"It is terror†. This builds up the idea of the story as then she begins to tell Holmes about her problem. By noticing how she is terrified and telling Holmes about the mystery she is facing, we automatically find that we are dealing with a murder mystery genre. The way Holmes observes everything Miss Stoner does shows he is a very clever man and leads you to think she has come to him for him to solve her mystery, this gives us the idea he is a detective, further convincing us that there is a mystery to be solved. At the very begging Sherlock Holmes’s apprentice is talking to us, telling us about him studying Mr Holmes work. The way Doyle sets up the mystery shows us he is a clever writer as we can always be asking what is going to happen next. When Holmes starts asking questions it starts giving us ideas about the mystery we are dealing with, further setting up the story. We also see the idea of contrast between how we see things. We meet Helen Stoner, a woman who fears for her life, and is shaking with fear; she is in a terrible state. Then we see Sherlock Holmes. He is calm, easy going and already at work the moment he meets his client. Then we meet Dr Grimsby Roylott. He â€Å"seizes† things and â€Å"storms† about the place, he is a very large man and works with his anger and strength. We see Helen Stoner as a very fragile and afraid woman. We see that when she enters the room she is very shivery, but this isn’t because its cold, we know this because not only does the writing tell us but it also describes her to be sat next to a fire. We see that Helen stoner is very fragile because she fears for her life. We know this when she says â€Å"It is fear, Mr Holmes. It is terror†. This shows that something is frightening her. We then find out that she needs Holmes to help her. She looks like a â€Å"hunted animal† and this shows that she has been through a lot. We see that the way her character is shown to be a typical Victorian woman. Vulnerable, afraid, fragile and unable to defend herself. This shows that the story keeps on fitting into the genre of murder mystery. In the day it was written people reading the story would very easily be able to relate to her as a character and this give more effect to the story as a reader. We are also told about how she looks very old, but is very young, and how the fear she has because of Dr Roylott has made her look almost elderly. We can see that Sherlock Holmes is portrayed to be a very clever and calm gentleman. We can see he is a very observant man, and is very quick to think things through, this would make the readers feel relieved for Helen Stoner because they would know from this point that he is smart enough to crack the mystery. The way he talks to her as if he already knows the answers to his questions shows him to be a very smart man. We also see he is a very brave man. We know this because even when staring the large, and frightening Dr Roylott, he manages to stay calm and say things that further enrage the large man. Even when further angering the tyrant he still keeps calm, and keeps himself out of any state of worry, this would further enhance the feel of protection for the reader. The way he further angers the Dr also builds a large amount of tension. This would keep the reader reading ahead. Dr Roylott is presented as a large frightening man. We know this because of the way we see his first proper entrance into the story. We see this because the door to Holmes living space was â€Å"dashed† open by a â€Å"Huge man†. This further builds tension in the story as from this point it is obvious the man bursting into the door is Dr Roylott. He is shown to be a strong, aggressive character. We know because of a way he â€Å"seizes† a poker and bends it with his bare hands to show his raw strength. The word â€Å"seizes† shows he is a very aggressive man and this would give the reader a feeling of fear which would further build tension.  The fact that the entire story is set over one day and not spread out over time shows that the situation is urgent and it cannot be left more than 1 day. This further builds the idea of tension in the story line. The tension is built up over time because as the time goes on the story shows that the woman is in danger of death. At the time the Victorians would have found this story very frightening. This is because at the time the idea of gypsies living on someone’s’ land was something that wasn’t at all normal. This meant that the people who would read this would find it very peculiar and would find it frightening to hear about. Also the idea of foreign animals walking freely on his land would scare them because this is unusual and these creatures are not just any animals, dangerous animals like cheetahs. They also would be frightened that he had killed his butler in Africa. This would worry the public because at the time the police force weren’t doing there job very well and this made the public very worried about crime. In the final section the main contrast that is noticeable is the change between the light. The light is dark and all is silent. But when some light flashes in the room the tension automatically begins building up. As the tension builds further the light begins to come through the air shaft and this creates even further tension. When the Idea of time is linked with the idea of changing light, this build the tension because the time seems to slow down as the light builds in the final part of the story. In the entire story builds tension well, the way it all takes place in a short amount of time shows urgency in the situation and makes the reader feel tense. The language he uses is good for building the tension because he uses words that give a feel of urgency and danger. I think the story builds tension well because the way it was written to fit in with Victorian ideas makes people see how the story was meant to effect the reader.

Needs-Based Theories of Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Needs-Based Theories of Motivation - Essay Example Before going to discuss three needs-based theories of motivation, let us get a better understanding of what motivation actually is. Motivation means to inspire people to make them achieve their personal or professional goals. In workplace settings, it is extremely important to motivate people to increase their productivity. Williams (2010) states, â€Å"Motivating people to do their best work, consistently, has been an enduring challenge for executives and managers†. Needs Theory by Douglas McClelland Douglas McClelland presented this theory of needs. The theorist reveals that there are three needs, which affect or shape the behaviors of people. Those needs include need for power, need for affiliation, and need for achievement. Power is another human need. In this world, every person has the desire to influence others in order to control their behaviors and actions but the level of desire to control other individual’s behaviors varies from person to person. People, who are motivated by power, want to dominate and shape other people’s views and behaviors. The need for achievement is another need of a person to achieve all personal and professional goals. People struggle in their lives to achieve their goals and objectives. Achievement of any type of goal makes people happy and confident. The third need is the need for affiliation. People want to make relationships with other people in order to remain active in the society.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Summarizing of History and acheveiment of Sweatshop Watch Essay

Summarizing of History and acheveiment of Sweatshop Watch - Essay Example The discovery of the infamous El Monte sweatshops in 1995 where 72 Thai immigrant workers were forced to sew clothes behind razor wires and armed guards gave birth to Sweatshop Watch. Together with community organizations, Sweatshop Watch worked to release the workers from INS detention and get them housing, food and medical care and for the recovery of unpaid wages, overtime compensation and damages for civil rights violations. The group's Retailer Accountability Campaign pressured retailers who sold clothes sewn by the El Monte workers through public demonstrations and letter-writing campaigns that were critical in winning $4 million from retailers and manufacturers for back wages and redress. Today, many of the El Monte workers continue to work in the garment industry, although they are now aware of their rights and are actively educating other workers as well as policy makers and the public. Over the following years, from 1996 to 2000, Sweatshop Watch held many campaigns, in alliance with other groups, in the state of California, nationwide as well overseas to further the protection of workers' rights' through legislation, media work and public education. codes of conduct and monitoring. ... purchase of goods made under sweatshop conditions. Began to expand its work nationally and internationally by engaging in debate on codes of conduct and monitoring. It issued a issued a critique of the White House Apparel Industry Partnership (now the Fair Labor Association) and partnered with Working Assets to generate 32,000 letters and calls to the Partnership's Co-Chair Liz Claiborne, demanding that the Partnership include a living wage in its Code of Conduct. 1998: Produced the 1998 Garment Workers Calendar, an inspiring collection of black and white photographs of garment workers at work and on the picket line and with historical dates in the garment industry. Hosted the Living Wage Working Summit which brought together over 50 participants from the U.S., Canada, Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Hong Kong and the Netherlands. The summit developed a draft formula for a living wage and popularized the demand for a living wage in the anti-sweatshop movement. Co-convened a coalition of students, faculty, staff and community members to strengthen the University of California's Code of Conduct for Trademark Licensees, and began supporting the growing student movement against sweatshops. Participated in the founding of the Workers Rights Consortium. 1999: Won the passage of a sweatshop reform bill for California's 120,000 garment workers, Assembly Bill 633 (Steinberg, Hayden). Filing of three separate lawsuits against top U.S. clothing companies to clean up the rampant sweatshop abuses in Saipan, a U.S. territory in the South Pacific. 2000: Helped won justice for eight Los Angeles garment workers who sewed university gear under sweatshop conditions. Achievements: The recent achievements of Sweatshop Watch

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Economic Policy in the Open Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economic Policy in the Open Economy - Essay Example The balance of payments is based on the principle of double entry bookkeeping and the monetary value of every transaction is recorded as both a credit and a debit. Debits and credits in the balance of payments are collected into groups on the basis of what is exported or imported. The partitioning of these groups varies between countries however. We generally divide the balance of payments into four traditional subdivisions: current account, unilateral account, capital account, and gold account, these in return contain the value of goods and services either exported or imported plus dividend and interest income and payment, second entry for gift received, imports and exports of assets like bonds and common stocks and, the import and export of gold for commercial purposes, respectively. The import of a bond or any asset similar in context is recorded as a debit in the capital account. Since its purchase results in the country’s residents paying out money or capital, the import of a bond, like any other debit entry in the capital account, is called a capital outflow. On the other hand, the export of a bond means the residents actually receive money or capital; and thus, the export of a bond, like other credit entries made in the capital account, is called a capital inflow. ... According to the Statistical Bulletin, The UK’s current account deficit was recorded to be ?15.2 billion in the third quarter of 2011, the highest value recorded as yet. Its trade deficit extended to ?9.9 billion in the third quarter of 2011, an increase of ?2.7 billion since the previous quarter. The income surplus was ?0.3 billion which is actually the smallest surplus ever since the fourth quarter of 2000. Moreover, the international investment position recorded UK net liabilities of ?245.5 billion at the end of the third quarter 2011 which outweigh the inward investment of ?22 billion by at least ten times. In the recent picture, the increasing balance of payments deficit is only adding to the mound of problems. The repercussions produced by slowdown in exports followed by increasing faster growth in imports of goods and services caused by a rise in the value of sterling against other currencies has indeed led to a worsening balance of payments’ position. Due to the increasing deficit, the government has responded by the introduction of tough austerity measures aimed at narrowing the budgetary deficit; however this has only led to soaring unemployment and rising business bankruptcies. There is a loss of employment because UK businesses are losing market share and output to cheaper imports from overseas. A fall in business confidence and a decline in capital investment spending by UK exporting firms have been witnessed primarily because of the continually declining aggregate demand. Balance of payments deficits are nearly always bad for the economy, except if a country is importing a high volume of goods and services to make available diverse resources to its citizens. However, in the long term if the trade deficit is a symptom of a weak economy and a lack of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Is Hate Speech in the Media Directly Affecting our Culture (responses) Assignment

Is Hate Speech in the Media Directly Affecting our Culture (responses) - Assignment Example Henry is of the opinion that the kind of culture portrayed in the media makes human being lose their sense of humanity. By watching violent behaviour on television children tend to adopt what they have seen in the media. Societal degradation is rife and rising in the name of entertainment and glorification of America. People no longer care about each other and the poor and homeless are considered lazy. In his response he states that ‘†¦ many groups who are considered marginal because they are poor, unemployed, people of color, elderly or young have not just been excluded from the American dream but have become utterly redundant and disposable waste products of a society that no longer considers them of any value’. He adds that suffering and violence is applauded and recognized in holly wood. The homeless and poor are seen as a burden to the state and instead of having compassion for the homeless, homelessness is considered a crime. He adds that sleeping, sitting, soliciting lying down or loitering in public places is considered a criminal

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Should the Electoral College still be in place Essay

Should the Electoral College still be in place - Essay Example This particular thesis would look back through history for examples where the electoral system on current values have failed to provide a decision based on the unanimous most popular votes achieved and hence appoint office a candidate who significantly does not hold the peoples ideology in running the country. Lastly we would succumb to the fact that prior to twentieth century the electoral system of electing the president was made by people who were the pioneers of their time and society while keeping in mind the common educational awareness in a single voter and how this method would cancel dysfunctional voting which may not be in the best interest of the United States. For matters concerning the voting system upheld by the Electoral College, there have been, for the past two centuries, excessive debates that primarily highlight the loop holes associated with this form of presidential selection. Firstly before jumping in to the jargon of as to why the Electoral College of president ial elections deems a misfit in current society we would on first note take up to the fact that what practically is the Electoral system of voting that we all so often refer to. On theoretical counts the Electoral College system of voting to claim a new head of the state is a method in which electors from every state cast their votes on potential candidates that seek to become the next president so as such the electors hold the key of who becomes the new subsequent head of the state. ... The votes casted by the American citizens is only associated with the electors of their own state hence even though votes pertaining to a hundred percent favoring either the democrats or the republicans could only and fundamentally suffice for their own states electoral representatives(Glennon; Whittaker et al). The number of electoral reps that every state acquires is a directly proportional figure to the amount of people or residents residing in it and therefore the number of electoral reps in each state varies from one another. For instance Minnesota as being a relatively bigger state than Columbia has seven more electoral votes and hence stands to a 10 to 3 ratio in comparison. The total number of electoral votes situated is five hundred and thirty eight and hence to potentially win an election a candidate must receive more than or equal to two hundred and seventy uncontested votes and effectively claim a winning spot. The voting system in every state apart from Maine and Nebrask a has a winner take all methodology on casting electoral votes as such if in any state the democratic or republic party get the majority votes then automatically the other residing votes which may not be in favor of the winning party would also be effectively transferred to the votes of the winning electoral reps. This particular policy has a major drawback concerning the fact that even though a candidate may win the most popular vote of the country it may eventually lose at the mercy of the Electoral college system. Again for instance the nominee from the democratic or republic party gets electoral votes from the majority of states but loses to small margins in larger ones like California, New

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Review of literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Review of literature - Essay Example High consumption of alcohol in men can arouse anger in men, with the consequent result of domestic violence. Evaluation of the impact of treatment for alcoholism one year after the treatment demonstrated reduction of anger tantrums and violence towards the female partners (O’Farrell, Fals-Stewart, Murphy & Murphy, 2003). The evaluation of a 15-week cognitive-behavioral skills training program for men involved in domestic violence against women demonstrated that there was a sharp decrease in the recurrence of the violent behavior in men completing the training program. In addition, in comparison to those who dropped out of the program, those who completed the training program demonstrated a lower rate of physical violence recidivism during the one year follow up period (Hamberger & Hastings, 1988). Cognitive behavioural therapy is a popular treatment program for physically abusive men. The objective in cognitive behavioural therapy is not only to change behavior employing behavioural change models, but also to alter thinking patterns and beliefs that contribute to the violent behavior. However, very few randomised controlled effect evaluations have been conducted on the effectiveness of this treatment strategy for any definite conclusion on the effectiveness of the treatment strategy (Smedslund et al, 2007). The Over Aggression Scale (OAS) measures aggressive behaviors on four aspects of physical aggression directed on others, physical aggression directed on self, verbal aggression, and physical aggression against objects present in the surroundings. These four classifications are further studied on the basis of ratings from one to four, with one being the least severe and four being the mist severe. This tool is extremely useful for evaluating the effect of treatment programs for reducing aggressive behavior, as it permits recording of aggressive incidents for review and comparison

Friday, August 23, 2019

Timothy McVeigh Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Timothy McVeigh - Research Paper Example Unarguably, the case of Timothy McVeigh is one of the most infamous and heinous crimes ever committed in the United States. It is second only to the damage wrought by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York in damage to property lives claimed. What made it particularly significant, however, is the fact that McVeigh is an American citizen, which made his terrorist act homegrown as opposed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which was perpetrated by foreign terrorists. This paper will explore the criminal theories behind his act as well as in the dynamics of the drama that unfolded in the course of his arrest and trial, which culminated in his execution. This is particularly because there was so little effort to comprehend his act and his motivations because there was a collective clamor for his death and nothing else just so he could no longer repeat his feat. The sentiment was understandable, as McVeigh – throughout the whole affair stood unmoved and unrepentant, coldly defending hi s action as rational and calling the victims â€Å"collateral damage† in his twisted notion of things. ... The tragic event, wrote Stein, effectively â€Å"shattered the mythic invulnerability of the American â€Å"Heartland†Ã¢â‚¬ . (p. 51) McVeigh was apprehended a little over an hour later on a different charge – that of transporting a firearm. â€Å"By August 1995, McVeigh and co-defendant Terry Nichols had been charged with conspiracy, use of weapon of mass destruction, destruction by explosives, and eight counts of first-degree murder.† (Greene and Heilburn 2010, p. 189) When McVeigh was apprehended, along with his cohort, Terry Nichols, America was again shocked to find that these clean-cut men, both served in the country’s armed forces, were responsible for planning and implementing an action that would kill hundreds of their countrymen. In the process, they methodically constructed and detonated bombs, with the plan as some sort of revenge and catalyst to his separatist movement. (Disilvestre 2003, p. 64) For this paraphrase, this is the information/d irect quote from the source (I will include the quotes if you want to use it): â€Å"Timothy McVeigh, just 29 years, was the ex-soldier convicted of constructing, planting and detonating the bomb that killed so many of his countrymen. Terry Nichols, 42, was convicted of helping McVeigh plan, purchase and steal materials in order to construct the bomb.† (Disilvestre, p. 64) Criminological Theories Again, it must be emphasized that contemporary interest on the motivational factors for McVeigh’s crime was close to nonexistent as many Americans wanted closure and the sense of security that came with finally putting the man who murdered hundreds of Americans to death. If the public and criminologists themselves bothered to look, there are existing criminological theories that could explain McVeigh’s behavior and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Three Accomplishments Essay Example for Free

Three Accomplishments Essay Describe your three most important accomplishments to date. You may address Civic Services, Community Services, and Volunteer work, if applicable, as well as work related experience: Three accomplishments: Coming to united States – Career Accomplishment Fulfilling the Family Responsibilities Starting a Charity – Social Accomplishment My childhood dream was to go to United States and study. So, I worked hard to get good grades. Unfortunately, in my second of college, June 1986, I met with a bus accident, which critically damaged my right hand. Subsequently, I completely lost my wrist movement. I could regain the arm movement by going though one year of physical therapy, however. The doctors informed me that I had to take a break from my studies if need be. I was upset, to say the least, though I did not lose my entire self-confidence. I began to practice writing with my left hand instead. Within three months, I was able to accomplish this. I wrote my second year exams and got distinction. Simultaneously attending college and physical therapy, I ultimately graduated without losing a year. Few years later, for the first time, when my feet touched the soil of USA, my joy knew no bounds. As a matter of fact, the feeling of triumph that I regained enabled me to see through any problem whatsoever. During my final year of college, July 1988, my father passed away. At that time, my younger brother and younger sister had not completed their studies, and so I felt that it was my responsibility to provide support to them. Therefore, I began to look for work, putting on hold my dream to go for higher studies. Financially supporting my family until my siblings were old enough to look after themselves; I did not regret my decision at all, despite the fact that many of my friends had obtained their postgraduate degrees from USA by that time. What I had gained was priceless, too: the pleasure of acting responsibly. One of my friends lost his eyes in an accident in Aug 2002. Seeing his misery, I decided to do something useful for blind people. So I actively participated in organizing charities and leading awareness programs for organ donation. I was also fortunate to start a charity in Vizag in Andharapradesh, India, on behalf of my mother in July 2006. At present, I am in talks with Shankar Eye Foundation in India to increase the number of eye surgeries. So long as I am helping myself and society, I believe I am accomplishing something.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

540 Week 5 Questions Essay Example for Free

540 Week 5 Questions Essay How does labeling cause deviance? What is the difference between primary and secondary deviance?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the labeling theory that was developed and popularized by Howard S. Becker in conjunction with Frank Tannenbaum, the behavior of society to categorize persons into specific groups based on society’s perceptions about such people leads to deviance. As per this theory, society invents, selects, and manipulates the convictions that negatively view certain behaviors before placing the supposedly deviant people into such categories. The deviant person is thus regarded as being ethically inferior. Afterwards, deviants internalize such society-ascribed identities before ultimately beginning to act as per a certain label (Stark, 2007). Deviants then assume unexpected behaviors in a bid to obey the rules of the assigned label.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Primary deviance is evident when deviance demonstrates itself before society categorizes such behavior as constituting deviance. In addition, it is the deviance that is placed onto an individual via the acts of reporting or confession. Conversely, secondary deviance exhibits itself after one has committed a societal wrong, has attracted societal reaction by being categorized as a deviant, and has internalized the deviance. The deviant then adopts the behavior that made them to be classified as deviants. What are some examples of master status not in the text? What are traits associated with them? How do those assumed traits affect our perceptions of people with that status?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Some illustrations of master statuses include being unemployed, ethnicity, religion, and education. These master statuses have certain traits that are usually associated with them (Macionis, 2005). For instance, the unemployed master status has the common traits of always being in need of money, demonstrating anxiety, and being unhappy. Conversely, the ethnicity orientation master status is characterized by a shared heritage, common language, shared culture, as well as a shared ancestry. On the other hand, the education master status has the characteristics of being knowledgeable, having critical and analytical skills, and being free of common biases found among uneducated persons. In contrast, the religion master status has the traits of common beliefs, common deities, as well as shared religious practices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The aforementioned traits lead society into having specific views about people depicting such statuses. For example, the characteristic of being knowledgeable among people with the education master status makes society to have respect for such people. Conversely, the needy trait among those exhibiting the master status of being unemployed makes society to view such people as being more likely to trouble society while begging for alms. What are decision-making types used by rational choice theory? How do these decisions apply to crime?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Two of the major decision-making types in rational choice theory include indifference and strict preference. These preference types have relationships with crime, whereby criminals apply them with regard to whether or not to engage in criminal behavior (Fernandez-Huerga, 2008). For example, in relation to strict preference, whereby a person demonstrates a preference for B to A, a criminal has the absolute choice of either committing a crime or not. The offender thus makes a clear choice to either commit an offense or desist from doing so. On the other hand, regarding the indifference type of preference, a criminal engages in unacceptable behavior not out of their own free and unbridled will, but rather as a result of prevailing circumstances. Since the offender does not demonstrate a clear inclination towards a certain action (of either enraging in lawbreaking acts or refraining from such an action), they do not prefer like one option or t he other. References Fernandez-Huerga (2008.) The economic behavior of human beings: The institutionalist post-Keynesian model. Journal of Economic Issues, 42, 3: 23-8. Macionis, J. J. (2005). Sociology, 10th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Stark, R. (2007).  Sociology: Biological theories of deviance (Tenth edition). Belmont, CA. Thomson Wadsworth.

Effects of Excessive Sugar Intake in the Human Body

Effects of Excessive Sugar Intake in the Human Body HeeSung Kim Sugar Alert: The Friendly Assassinator â€Å"Sweet!† People use the word as a replacement for awesome as much as they love sweet things. Indeed, sweetness is the first taste a newborn baby recognizes, and it is crucial for living; it gives energy and is important as the sole energy source of the brain (Sigelman Rider 184). While people have heard that sugar can be dangerous, it seems they do not much care about it. In fact, it is not widely known how bad it is or the consequences, yet people can access sugar products very easily. In a cultural context, sweet things are usually used as a reward or a gift; there are even candy holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Easter and Halloween. But most of all, America is surrounded by processed and fast foods that contain enormous quantities of sugar. People may claim that they are fine because they do not have a sweet tooth. But the truth is that there are so many hidden sources of sugar that people cannot be free from it. The excessive sugar intake that causes physical , mental, and social problems is underestimated and people should be aware of its hidden danger. Physical problems from excessive sugar involve a wide range of symptoms from tooth decay or nutritional imbalance to serious diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular related diseases, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, inflammation, suppressing immune system, Alzheimer’s, and cancer, etc (Syed and Davidson; Quillin). In fact, three undesirable things are happening once sugar is inside the body: it is broken down abnormally fast, produces potential harmful substances, and depletes body nutritional resources. In its natural state, sugar exists as a part of whole organism like sugar cane, and it is digested and nurtures the body in a normal way, like other foods. But refined sugar is nothing but a crystallized chemical of glucose and fructose molecules. Once it loses its components, it cannot follow the normal pathway of digestion and nutrition. Normally, fibers help to regulate digestion speed and let body systems work on their own timing. But once sugar, which has no fibers or other nutritional factors but empty calories, rushes in, the body gets high workloads and becomes tired or begins malfunctioning. For example, the pancreas is tired due to too much secretion of insulin to regulate high blood sugar, and eventually loses its endocrine function, which leads to diabetes. Also excessive sugar is turned into excessive fat, which causes many problems in the body. The liver converts the excessive fructose into fat after using up the needed amount of carbohydrates from sugar and the excessive fat is stored in liver, body cells, and pushed out into the blood, which causes a fatty or dysfunctional liver, obesity and related diseases, and high blood pressure along with cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke (Cohen; Goldwert). Generally, dietary fat has been believed to be the culprit for causing obesity. In the 1980s, scientists blamed dietary fat in food as the major reason for obesity and cardiovascular disease (Syed Davidson). So food companies started to eliminate fats from food and to compensate for its cardboard-like taste, they started to put in more sugar, mostly in form of cheap High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), which became the food industry’s savior. But for 30 years with less fat, cases of obesity and diabetes have only in creased in number. These two graphs show the relationship between a) fat vs. obesity (Willett 557s) and b) sugar vs. diabetes and obesity (Taubes Couzens 1). The first one shows dietary fat and obesity with little correlation, while the second one shows that obesity and diabetes have strong direct proportional relationship with sugar consumption. It is not just because people eat more sugar through processed/fast foods, but also HFCS convolutes the body signal system by never informing brain to stop eating. It suppresses the hormone Leptin, which sends a signal to the brain â€Å"full,† so people eat more than they need and it results in prevalent abnormal obesity (Bray). Even more sad news from nephrologist Richard Johnson is, sugar rush depletes body energy and makes it harder for people to move, holding true to the term, couch potato (Cohen). Regarding cardiovascular disease, high sugared blood hurts the blood vessels and it makes it easy for the dangerous LDL cholesterol to invade and cause plaque that leads to heart attacks or strokes (Lund University). Also, a recent finding from the University of California-Davis reports that LDL cholesterol, the byproduct of excessive fat storage, can be elevated significantly in just two weeks of drinking four sugary beverages in a day, which is a likely average known range for consumption level (Stanhope, et al.). A rarely known factor of breaking down refined sugar molecules is that sugar steals the body’s calcium, vitamins and minerals, and this leads to osteoporosis and mineral deficiency related disease (Gaby 1). Normally food needs digestion supporters like vitamins and minerals to accomplish its digestion and usually the whole food brings its own supporters, but sugar is already refined and nothing but a chemical, which steals body resources to break itself down. Consequently, insufficient minerals and vitamins hinder the normal body function and cause inflammation and acidify body fluids. Moreover, it leads to immune system inactivity. Depleted vitamin C by sugar intake makes white blood cells sluggish and it results in weak immune control (Poulton). One study found that two tablespoons of sugar makes the immune system slow down 92% for up to five hours (Walker). The following pictures are captured from a video that examines the normal blood cells vs. after eating normal breakfas t including banana, soda, Pop-Tarts and yogurt so forth. Normal blood looks clear and active, but 10 minutes after eating, the blood stream becomes gooey, sedentary and makes â€Å"Spicules† structure which is a mutation of platelet caused by sugar (â€Å"How Sugar†). Also, one study found that sugar deteriorates the pathogen engulfing capability of white blood cells significantly for at least five hours (Sanchez). Unlike people’s general degree of awareness on the physical downside of sugar, mental problems of sugar are seldom known. Sugar weakens blood sugar levels due to its roller-coaster effect that is caused by high blood sugar compensation by insulin, and it affects the brain directly, which causes emotional imbalance, depression, moods and mental problems because of the stress hormone (McGonigal; Mayo). By disturbing neurological patterns, sugar leads to mental illness or violent behavior. It lowers BDNE, a brain hormone that helps to maintain healthy neurons, memory, and stimulates new nerve growth. Low BDNE levels result in depression, schizophrenia, and brain damage. Often, eliminating sugar is the first step to cure psychological problems (Ilardi). Also sugar can also cause violence due to the drastic fluctuation in blood sugar levels which cause â€Å"nervousness and irritability and provoke ‘a full-blown aggressive outburst’† (Holden). But the trickiest part of the sugar controversy is its addictiveness, and the dependence on sugar is highly related to other kinds of addictions. Some say that after quitting smoking, people look for a replacement habit, to distract and pacify their instinct for smoking, and often turn to sweet things. Why does this happen? In the brain, there are neural receptors for Dopamine, the â€Å"pleasure hormone† (Cohen). They react to sugar the same way they react to morphine, heroin, cocaine, and nicotine (Pikul). And Dopamine down-regulates its own receptors that build up tolerance levels, making people want more sugar the next time, leading to sugar addiction (Lustig, â€Å"The Sugar-Addiction†). Furthermore, sugar addiction also serves as a â€Å"gateway drug† that leads to other addictive substances including alcohol, nicotine, and cocaine (Avena, Rada Hoebel). Sugar’s serious physical and mental problems eventually lead to social problems. Today people pursue more and more instant, quick response and easy ways to solve problems. They say, â€Å"right now!† As a matter of fact, a chocolate bar can be an instant hunger solver. Seeking short satisfactions and even more sensations the next time, people’s behavior patterns resemble how sugar acts in the body, and this invaded culture and society now seeks more sensual and superficial stimulants. But there is a more serious problem here. Endocrinologist Robert H. Lustig from the University of California at San Francisco, notes that sugar-related diseases are costing America around $150 billion a year and 75% of US healthcare money is spent on treating those diseases (â€Å"Public Health† 28). It makes sense that sugar related diseases such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and white blood disease are considerably placed as America’s leading causes of death (â€Å"Leading Causes†). Despite these life-threatening outcomes of sugar, most people still underestimate its danger because of poor social awareness of the danger of sugar, along with its addictive nature or its slow/indirect consequences. In fact, the danger of sugar is not as widely known as the danger of dietary fat. This is the problem of all problems. It is especially dangerous for poor people living in blind areas of information, and easy access to cheap foods, which mostly contain lots of sugar. And because of its strong addictive nature, people are more likely to choose sugar than fat (Lustig, â€Å"The Sugar-Addiction†). People would rather choose sweet stuff right now, than be aware and cautious for their future health. Also its downsides show up slowly or sneakily, it makes it hard to blame sugar directly and people are easily misled. Food companies spend a lot of money on lobbying to keep the facts under wraps (Syed Davidson). Moreover, they make food packages deceptive ; Sugar can be d isguised by more than 50 different names: HFCS, molasses, corn syrup, dextrose†¦(Pikul) or by word play, like Sugar-free or No-added-sugar beverage does not necessarily mean not sweet at all rather it means that it either used artificial sweeteners or already contains enough sugar, like fruit juices. Even something considered to be healthy has a lot of sugar in it such as yogurt, green tea, whole-grain crackers, and energy bars. One Yoplait yogurt has 31g of sugar, which is 8 teaspoons, and a serving of SoBe green tea has 12.5 teaspoons of sugar in it. Also processed food such as pasta sauce has 12g of sugar per half-cup (â€Å"Best Pasta†). Yes, it is almost impossible to escape sugar; 77% of packaged foods contain sugar (Lustig, â€Å"The Sugar-Addiction†). But people do not know the facts well. Americans’ average sugar consumption is 22 teaspoons per day, while The American Heart Association suggests only 6 teaspoons for women and 9 for men (â€Å"Suga r 101†). Sugar seems like a pleasure trap that is hidden everywhere and some people willingly seek it, but because of its slow and accumulating effect and its omni-existence, people do not know or ignore the fact that that trap will lead them to many problems. Can anybody eat 16 sugar cubes at once? Yes, they can if they drink a bottle of soda at once. They may be pleased for now, but might face a sweet death as a result of being a sugar lover. People are living with a secret killer, which endangers them physically, mentally and socially because of its lovely first approach and addictive nature. But most of all, people do not know much about what sugar really does. Sugar intake should be carefully watched and we need to take control of it because sugar seems to be far from â€Å"wellness,† but close to â€Å"illness† (Lustig, â€Å"The Sugar-Addiction†). As people have changed the history of fat consumption, now sugar is the next turn. Numerous studies prove that people have been misled and more information about the harm caused by sugar should be more widely known. Awareness and being cautious with overeating sugar will make a change to the food industry, government and society. Rather than being a sheep, f just follo wing what is given without thinking further, we need be a smart and proactive eater to be saved from the friendliest toxin. The more people get educated on this threat, the better chance America has to be free from these serious problems from sugar. Works Cited Avena, Nicole M., Pedro Rada, and Bartley G. Hoebel. Evidence for sugar addiction:  Behavioral and neurochemical effects of intermittent, excessive sugar intake.National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 18 May 2007. Web. 02 Apr. 2014. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2235907/>. Cohen, Rich. Sugar. National Geographic. National Geographic Society, Aug. 2013. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2013/08/sugar/cohen-text>. Best Pasta Sauces.Consumer Reports Magazine. Consumer Reports, Aug. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2012/08/best-pasta-sauces/index.htm>. Bray, George A., Samara Joy Nielsen, and Barry M. Popkin. Consumption of High-fructose Corn Syrup in Beverages May Play a Role in the Epidemic of Obesity.† The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. American Society for Nutrition, Apr. 2004. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/79/4/537.full>. Gaby, Alan R. Osteoporosis: What You Eat Affects Your Bones.Nutritional Medicine. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014. http://www.healthy.net/Health/Article/Osteoporosis_What_You_Eat_Affects_Your_Bones/1240>. Goldwert, Lindsay. Sugar is as addictive as cocaine, and causes obesity, diabetes, cancer  and heart disease: Researchers. NY Daily News. NYDailyNews.comN.p., 02 Apr. 2012n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/researcher-sugar-addictive-cocaine-obesity-diabetes-cancer-heart-disease-article-1.1054419>. Holden, Constance. Sugar: Gateway Drug to Violence?Science/AAAS. American  Association for the Advancement of Science, 1 Oct. 2009. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://news.sciencemag.org/biology/2009/10/sugar-gateway-drug-violence>. â€Å"How Sugar Affects Your Blood Live Blood Analysis. Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xXTKZOrOHs>. Ilardi, Stephen. â€Å"Dietary Sugar and Mental Illness: A Surprising Link.† PsychologyToday. Sussex Publishers, LLC, Sep.2009. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-depression-cure/200907/dietary-sugar-and-mental-illness-surprising-link>. Leading Causes of Death.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease  Control and Prevention, 30 Dec. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2014. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/lcod.htm>. Lund University. Hyperglycemia: New Mechanism Underlying Cardiovascular Disease  Described. ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, LLC, 12 December 2009. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/12/091207150438.htm>. Lustig, Robert H. The Sugar-Addiction Taboo.The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 02 Jan. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/01/the-sugar-addiction-taboo/282699/>. Lustig, Robert H., Laura A. Schmidt, and Claire D. Brindis. Public Health: The Toxic Truth  about Sugar.Nature482.7383 (2012): 27-29. Print. Mayo Clinic Staff. Chronic Stress Puts Your Health at Risk.† MayoClinic. Mayo  Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 11 July 2013. Web. 30 Mar. 2014. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/stress-management/in-depth/stress/art-20046037>. McGonigal, Kelly. Stress, Sugar, and Self-Control.† PsychologyToday. Sussex  Publishers, LLC, 21 Nov. 2011. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-science-willpower/201111/stress-sugar-and-self-control>. Pikul, Corrie. Give Up Sugar: The One Crazy Thing All Nutritionists Agree Is a Good  Idea. The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, Inc, 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/29/give-up-sugar_n_4673992.html>. Poulton, Claire. Refined Sugar Destroys Health. Nutrition2Success. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://nutrition2success.com/sugar.php>. Quillin, Patrick. Cancers Sweet Tooth. Mercola. N.p., Apr. 2000. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://www.mercola.com/article/sugar/sugar_cancer.htm>. Sanchez, Albert, et al. Role of Sugars in Human Neutrophilic Phagocytosis.† The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The American Society for Clinical Nutrition, Inc, Nov. 1973. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/26/11/1180.abstract>. Sigelman, Carol K., and Elizabeth A. Rider.Human Development Across the Life-span. Belmont Calif.: Wadsworth, 2011. Print. Stanhope, Kimber L., et al. Consumption of Fructose and High Fructose Corn Syrup Increase Postprandial Triglycerides, LDL-Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein-B in Young Men and Women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism Vol 96, No 10. Endocrine Press. Web. 01 Oct. 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://press.endocrine.org/doi/abs/10.1210/jc.2011-1251>. Sugar 101.Sugar 101. American Heart Association, 24 Feb. 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyEating/Sugar-101_UCM_306024_Article.jsp>. Syed, Ronna, and Allya Davidson. The Secrets of Sugar the Fifth Estate CBC News. Online posting.CBCnews. CBC/Radio Canada, 10 Apr. 2013. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. http://www.cbc.ca/fifth/episodes/2013-2014/the-secrets-of-sugar>. Taubes, Gary and Cristin Kearns Couzens. Big Sugars Sweet Little Lies. Mother Jones.  Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress, Nov-Dec, 2012. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2012/10/sugar-industry-lies-campaign>. Walker, Steven C.S.T. Sugar Research Heath Science. Sugar Research Heath Science. N.p.,  n.d. Web. 21 Mar. 2014. http://www.heathscience.org/sugar-research>. Willett, W. C. Is Dietary Fat a Major Determinant of Body Fat?The American Society for  Clinical Nutrition67.3 (1998): 556s-62s. Print. Corporate Author. â€Å"Nutrition Label of name of product.† City, State of Manufacture. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Realism in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays

Realism in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Realism may be defined as an attempt to reproduce the surface appearance of the life of normal people in everyday situations (Kennedy 1410). Basically realism is a situation that normal people can relate to based on their own experiences. Realism is extremely prevalent in the play Death of a Salesman. The characters in the play have real world problems. Lack of money is one of the problems, which is a problem for many people. There are also many conflicts within the family; related to each characters definition of success.   Ã‚   Willy Loman also wants his children to have a better than he has and tries to do everything he can so they will have a better life, including ending his own. One realistic situation that many people can relate to is money problems. Money is one of the main problems that Willy Loman had throughout the play. The Loman family had many purchases on payments. Linda even states â€Å"for the vacuum cleaner there’s three and a half due on the fifteenth† (Miller 1650). The Loman family was living from week to week. Every time Willy came home from a fairly successful day selling, he would think he was finally getting ahead. Willy would tell Linda how much he had made, but she would then point out how much they owed on everything. Willy then felt overwhelmed and said â€Å"My God, if business don’t pick up I don’t know what I’m gonna do!† (1650). Linda would then reassure Willy and tell him â€Å"Well, next week you’ll do better† (1650). Many people in real life have this same problem. Every time they feel they are getting ahead financially, a problem occurs and they find themselves right back where they started. Most people also have to deal with problems and conflicts within their family throughout their life. Family problems were not exempt from the characters in Death of a Salesman. Biff’s idea of success was completely opposite from Willy’s. Willy viewed success as achieving money and power; Biff however viewed success in life as being happy. Biff realized that â€Å"I’m just what I am, that’s all† (1703). Biff realized he was â€Å"a dime a dozen† (1703), but his father could not accept this reality. This situation where parents always keep telling their children what they should do with their lives is common in many families.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Style of Writing :: Education Writing Essays

Style of Writing In both of the books various elements of style are mentioned, William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White’s The Elements of Style and Joseph M. Williams’ Style Toward Clarity and Grace, clarity and concision are to be the most important. I think that in order for your reader to be able to enjoy and understand what they are reading, it has to be written clearly and concisely. I believed that everyone has his or her own style: whether the style be that of one’s hair, clothes, or writing. I always knew that having your own style did not mean that yours was the best or even decidedly correct. After I finished toiling through Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style and William’s Style Toward Clarity and Grace, I learned that there is a dress code, even for writing. Yes, you could have your own style, per sey, but you must follow the rules and guidelines necessary for good writing. The Elements of Style and Style are interesting because separately, they tell two different versions to the same story. In Strunk and White’s book, a mere ninety-five pages of instruction, tell you in brief and curt words the rules for writing clearly. This books intention was to be short, a sort of handbook for quick reference. In its introduction E.B White writes, â€Å"It was Will Strunk’s parvoum opus, his attempt to cut the vast tangle of English rhetoric down to size and write its rules and principles on the head of a pin† (Strunk and White xiii). This intention seems innocent but it is my belief that it leaves the reader wondering, without precise reason in mind what clear writing is. Joseph M. Williams’ book, on the other hand, elaborates in detail of te guidelines and principles for writing the English language clearly and concisely. Each of his systematic principles for good wiring are padded with an abundance of example and explanation. Joseph Williams’ acknowledges this in his preface: â€Å"you should understand this is not an afternoon read. We offer detailed ways to put into specific practice the clichà ©s of style ‘Be clear’ ‘Omit needless words’†¦ We suggest you read this book a short section at a time, and then look at your won writing the writing of others† (Williams xiii).

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Evolution vs. Creationism Essay -- essays research papers

People are always arguing over which theory is true, evolution or creationism. The theory of evolution has a lot to do with natural selection. Natural selection is when the individual with the best traits survives, and passes on their good traits to their offspring. Those offspring create more individuals with those strong traits, and eventually all of the species will have those strong traits. This means that if this cycle is carried on long enough, it will result in changes in a population, eventually resulting in a new species. Darwin thinks all life forms have descended from a common species in ancient times. Creationism believes that all creatures and life forms were created in their current state. Creationism believes that God created the earth and everything on it, the animals, the mountains, the oceans, the plants, and the people. It says that God created the creatures to â€Å"fulfill their place in existence†. In other words, God created creatures to only do the job needed. He didn’t create creatures for no reason; every creature has a meaning on the earth. Also, God changes animals according to what they need over time. So, if a creature needed to swim to survive better, God just changed that creature so it could swim. Creationism follows exactly what the bible says. I personally support the theory of evolution. â€Å"In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment† (Cha...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Literary Elements Movie Analysis

Literary Elements Book/Movie Analysis Activity Have you ever thought why most of us are interested in the stories we read or the movies we watch, the characters, the action, the suspense and the love stories? The writer has to think of how the story must be told, what effect it must it have on a reader or movie-goer, and what is the best way to present his/her ideas. To get the reader's attention,  literary elements, the techniques or kinds of writing, are used by authors/screenwriters. The proper use of those elements enables the author to keep us interested while reading a story or a writer to enjoy a movie.Literary elements, such as setting, characters, point of view, conflict and the included dialogue, are all relevant to stories, establishing their plot, mood, and theme. For your assignment you will choose a favorite book or movie that is appropriate for school. You will be identifying some of the literary elements that we have been learning in reading class. You will also ana lyze and explain the elements as I did for you in class for â€Å"The Color Purple† (TCP) You will identify the the following:  I will give you examples from the project I modeled in class: Title:Scene: Time and place the story takes place. Point of View: Through whose eyes is the story being told? Celie speaks in the first person through a series of private letters she writes to God and her sister Nettie. We see and hear the story through Celie's eyes. Characters: Protagonist and Antagonist Exposition or Beginning: Like you, all of the characters in a story have a history, details about their pasts that are important to understanding their personality and their present lives. It is important that readers know some of these details in order to understand a story. This is call the exposition.It is the backround information on the characters and setting explained at the beginning of the story. For example, when I modeled my presentation in class regarding â€Å"The Color Pur ple's† protagonist Celie. It was important to know that she was abused physically, mentally and verbally by all of the men in her life. It was important to know that her father gave her away to a vicious man named Albert to be married. We can then understand why Celie was so shy, introverted and had such a low self-esteem. Rising Actions:   These are the actions or events that build up to the tension or conflict in a story.As I modeled in class a rising action for The Color Purple was Celie's relationship with her friend Shug, a strong and independent beautiful woman. Shug teaches Celie about God, love and self-respect. This relationship teaches Celie to build confidence, a sense of self, love and a voice. This gives Celie the confidence to stand up to Mr. Albert and the conflict of the story. Conflict: Is the problem and exciting action in a story that is happening to or against the protagonist. There are seven conflicts that we have learned about in class.Please identify w hat conflict(s) that are happening to the protagonist in the story. As I modeled in TCP Celie's conflicts are Character vs. Character (her Father, Alfonso and Mr. Albert), Character vs. Society(Racism) Climax:  When the conflict of the plot is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story. The climax is sometimes referred to as the â€Å"turning point† of the story, when the plot changes for better or for worse for the protagonist. In TCP the climax is when Celie uses her newly gained self-confidence to stands-up to Mr. Albert and leaves him to move to Tennessee with Shug.Falling Action: The action and events that happen after the climax. The protagonist usually defeats the antagonist in some way. The reader/viewer will see a change in the characters affected by the climax. In TCP, Celie returns to Georgia as a successful entrepreneur and finds that Mr. Albert has undergone a personal transformation. Resolution:  After Alphonso's death Celie inherits his home. Mr. Albert has finally done good for Celie and she welcomes the return of her sister Nettie and her children Samuel, Olivia and Adam. Theme:   The idea, message or moral the author is trying to tell.Examples: love, friendship, war, racism, sexism, relationships. In TCP the theme is the power of voice, strong female relationships and the cyclical nature of racism and sexism. We have learned about all of these elements of literature in class. Now we must think about them as we are reading our books or watching our favorite film. We will identify these elements and analyze them. We will work on this for 20 minutes a day in class. You will take this time to do research, ask me questions and show me the work you have completed so far so I can guide you in the correct direction.If you need help choosing a book or movie please just ask. You may use any of our read aloud we are currently reading in class. Points: I want the organization of your project to look exactly as is does above, f rom Title-Theme. Each correctly identified element will be worth 5 points. Your  ANALYSIS  and  EXPLANATION  in YOUR OWN WORDS( if you need help with paraphrasing please visit Brainpop. com and search â€Å"Paraphrase†) will be worth 10 pts each. Please make sure you put your explanation in your own words. Points will be taken for messy work and misspelled words.You will be graded on creativity. Please provide visuals or audio from your book or movie. As I modeled in class please add any clips of your movies or books that are appropriate for class. I found my clips of the exposition, climax and resolution on IMDB. com and YouTube. These clips will add to the creativity and quality of your project. You may use power point, Microsoft word, a smart board document, or poster board to present your project. If you have other ideas on how you would like to present I am open to a discussion.If you need to use our resources at school you must COMMUNICATE that to me to set up t ime to do that. DO NOT WAIT until the last minute. This project will help us understand better the motivation and reasons why authors create the characters they do, why the characters say what they say and why they do what they do. It will also help us start to be able to understand how to complete a literary analysis of a story, short story or poem which we will eventually do in class. This is DUE on FEBRUARY18, 2013. Each day it is late you will lose 10 points. Any questions please see me.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Greek Mythology and Religion Essay

Mythology is the study and interpretation of myth and the body of myths of a particular culture. Myth is a complex cultural phenomenon that can be approached from a number of viewpoints. In general, myth is a narrative that describes and portrays in symbolic language the origin of the basic elements and assumptions of a culture. Mythic narrative relates, for example, how the world began, how humans and animals were created, and how certain customs, gestures, or forms of human activities originated. Almost all cultures possess or at one time possessed and lived in terms of myths. Myths differ from fairy tales in that they refer to a time that is different from ordinary. The time sequence of myth is extraordinary- an â€Å"other† time – the time before the conventional world came into being. Because myths refer to an extraordinary time and place and to gods and other supernatural beings and processes, they have usually been seen as aspects of religion. Because of the inclusive nature of myth, however, it can illustrate many aspects of individual and cultural life. Meaning and interpretationFrom the beginnings of Western culture, myth has presented a problem of meaning and interpretation, and a history of controversy has gathered about both the value and the status of mythology. Myth, History, and ReasonIn the Greek heritage of the West, myth or mythos has always been in tension with reason or logos, which signified the sensible and analytic mode of arriving at a true account of reality. The Greek philosophers Xenophanes, Plato, and Aristotle, for example, exalted reason and made sarcastic criticisms of myth as a proper way of knowing reality. The distinctions between reason and myth and between myth and history, although essential, were never quite absolute. Aristotle concluded that in some of the early Greek creation myths, logos and mythos overlapped. Plato used myths as metaphors and also as literary devices in developing an argument. Western Mythical TraditionsThe debate over whether myth, reason, or history best expresses the meaning of the reality of the gods, humans, and nature has continued in Western culture as a legacy from its earliest traditions. Among these traditions were the myths of the Greeks. Adopted and assimilated by the Romans, they furnished literary, philosophical, and artistic inspiration to such later periods as the Renaissance and the romantic era. The pagan tribes of Europe furnished another body of tradition. After these tribes became part of Christendom, elements of their mythologies persisted as the folkloric substratum of various European cultures. Greek religion and mythology are supernatural beliefs and ritual observances of the ancient Greeks, commonly related to a diffuse and contradictory body of stories and legends. The most notable features of this religion were many gods having different personalities having human form and feelings, the absence of any established religious rules or authoritative revelation such as, for example, the Bible, the strong use of rituals, and the government almost completely subordinating the population’s religious beliefs. Apart from the mystery cults, most of the early religions in Greece are not solemn or serious in nature nor do they contain the concepts of fanaticism or mystical inspiration, which were Asian beliefs and did not appear until the Hellenistic period (about 323-146 B.C. ). At its first appearance in classical literature, Greek mythology had already received its definitive form. Some divinities were either introduced or developed more fully at a later date, but in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey the major Olympian gods appear in substantially the forms they retained until paganism ceased to exist. Homer usually is considered responsible for the highly developed personifications of the gods and the comparative rationalism that characterized Greek religious thought. In general Greek gods were divided into those of heaven, earth, and sea; frequently, however, the gods governing the earth and sea constituted a single category. Principal DivinitiesThe celestial gods were thought to dwell in the sky or on Mount Olympus in Thessaly. The Earth, or chthonic (Gr. chtho n, â€Å"earth†), deities were thought to dwell on or under the earth, and were closely associated with the heroes and the dead. The lines separating these divine orders were indefinite, and the deities of one order were often found in another. The gods were held to be immortal; yet they were also believed to have had a beginning. They were represented as exercising control over the world and the forces of nature. Ananke, the personification of necessity, however, limited this control, to which even the gods bowed. At the head of the divine hierarchy was Zeus, the spiritual father of gods and men. His wife was Hera, queen of heaven and guardian of the sanctity of marriage. Associated with them as the chief divinities of heaven were Hephaestus, god of fire and the patron of metalworkers; Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom and war, preeminent as a civic goddess; Apollo, deity of light, poetry, and music, and his sister Artemis, goddess of wildlife and, later, of the moon; Ares, god of war, and his consort, Aphrodite, goddess of love; Hermes, the divine messenger, later, god of science and invention; and Hestia, goddess of the hearth and home. Around these greater gods and goddesses were grouped a host of lesser deities, some of whom enjoyed particular distinction in certain localities. Among them were Helios, the sun; Selene, the moon (before Artemis came into existence); the attendants of the Olympians, such as the Graces; the Muses; Iris, goddess of the rainbow; Hebe, goddess of youth and cupbearer of the gods; and Ganymede, the male counterpart of Hebe. Poseidon, the worship of whom was often accompanied by worship of his wife, Amphitrite, ruled the sea. Attending the sea gods were the Nereids, Tritons, and other minor sea deities. The chief earth deities were Hades, ruler of the underworld, and his wife, Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. Demeter herself was usually considered an Olympian, but since she was associated with producing grain and the knowledge of agriculture; she was more closely connected with the earth. Another Olympian whose functions were likewise of an earthly character was Dionysus, god of the grape and of wine. He was accompanied by satyrs, the horsetailed sylvan demigods; Sileni, the plump, bald vintage deities; and maenads, nymphs who celebrated the orgiastic rites of Dionysus. Also among the more important divinities of the Greek pantheon were Gaea, the earth mother; Asclepius, the god of healing; and Pan, the great Arcadian god of flocks, pastures, and forests. Invocation of the GodsThe ancient Greeks had a strong sense of weakness before the grand and terrifying powers of nature, and they acknowledged their dependence on the divine beings whom they believed those powers to be controlled. In general, the relations between gods and mortals were cordial, divine wrath being reserved for those who transgressed the limits assigned to human activities and who, by being proud, ambitious, or even by being too prosperous, provoked divine displeasure and brought upon themselves Nemesis, the personification of revengeful justice. The saying of the historian Herodotus, â€Å"The god suffers none but himself to be proud† sums up the main philosophy that influences all of classical Greek literature. The sense of human limitation was a basic feature of Greek religion; the gods, the sole source of the good or evil that fell upon mortals, were approached only by making sacrifices and giving thanks for past blessings or pleading for future favors. In front of many a street door stood a stone for Apollo Agyieus (Apollo of the Thoroughfare); in the courtyard was placed the altar of Zeus Herkeios (Zeus as the patron of family ties); at the hearth Hestia was worshiped; and bedchamber, kitchen, and storeroom each had its appropriate god. From birth to death the ancient Greek invoked the gods on every memorable occasion. Because the very existence of the government was believed to depend on divine favor, celebrations for the gods were held regularly under the supervision of high officials. Public gratitude was expressed for being unexpectedly delivered from evil happenings or for being unusually prosperous. Organization and BeliefsDespite its central position in both private and public life, Greek religion was notably lacking in an organized professional priesthood. At the sites of the mysteries, as at Eleusis, and the oracles, as at Delphi, the priests exercised great authority, but usually they were merely official representatives of the community, chosen as other officers were, or sometimes permitted to buy their position. Even when the office was hereditary or confined to a certain family, it was not regarded as conferring upon its possessor any particular knowledge of the will of the gods or any special power to constrain them. The Greeks saw no need for an intermediary between themselves and their gods. Greek ideas about the soul and the afterlife were indefinite, but it was apparently the popular belief that the soul survived the body. It either hovered about the tomb or departed to a region where it led a sad existence needing the offerings brought by relatives. The disembodied soul was also presumed to have the power of inflicting injury on the living, and proper funeral rites were held to ensure the peace and goodwill of the deceased. Within the framework of Greek worship of many gods are traces of the belief that all natural objects are endowed with spirits. Fetishism, the belief in the magical efficacy of objects employed as talismans against evil, was another feature of early Greek religion. Examples of fetishes are the sacred stones, sometimes regarded as images of specific deities, such as the pyramidal Zeus at Phlius or the rough stones called the Graces at the ruined city of Orchomenus in Boeotia. OriginsAncient Greek religion has  been the subject of speculation and research from classic times to the present. Herodotus believed that the rites of many of the gods had been derived from the Egyptians. Prodicus of Ceos (5th cent. B. C. ), a Sophist philosopher, seems to have taught that the gods were simply personifications of natural phenomena, such as the sun, moon, winds, and water. Euhemerus (370? -298 B. C. ), a historian of myths believed, and many other shared this belief, that myths were the distortions of history and that gods were the idealized heroes of the past. Modern etymology and anthropology research produced the theory that Greek religion resulted from a combination of Indo-European beliefs and ideas and customs native to the Mediterranean countries since the original inhabitants of those lands were conquered by Indo-European invaders. The basic elements of classical Greek religion were, in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, somewhat modified and supplemented by the influences of philosophy, Middle Eastern cults, and changes in popular belief (as shown, for instance, in the rise of the cult of Fortune, or Tyche). The main outlines of the official religion, however, remained unchanged. BibliographyAncient Myths, by Norma Lorre Goodrich Meridian Books (July 1994)The Greek Gods, by Bernard Evslin (August 1995)Greek Myths, by Olivia E. Coolidge (December 1949) Greek and Egyptian Mythologies, by Yves Bonnefoy (November 1992) Gods and Heroes; Story of Greek Mythology, by Michael Foss (September 1995) Funk and Wagnalls, New EncyclopediaMultipedia CD-ROM for windows.

Safe use of ICT in a Business environment

* Make sure all employees' adopt the correct posture and have an adequate lower back support. This reduces the risk of tension strain headaches and musculoskeletal problems like neck pain, Chronic back pain and upper limb disorders such as Repetitive Strain Injury. – Repetitive Strain Injury can be stopped by using a wrist support along with an ergonomic keyboard, and keeping forearm's horizontal. * Make sure all employees' take regular breaks from their computers. This reduces the danger of eye strain, headaches and discomfort. – This can be reduced by making sure eyes are level with the monitor and making sure there is good background lighting and a monitor filter to reduce glare. * All employees' should get regular eye sight checks. This reduces the danger of deteriorating eye sight. – This can be reduced my making sure that the company pays for regular eye sight checks. The employee must go to the appointment and get the treatments provided. * Make sure all employees' have the correct positioning of equipment. This can reduce the danger of eye strain, headaches and discomfort. – Make sure the computer monitor is positioned away from the direct sunlight to reduce glare. Make sure the keyboard is not too far away, or too close, so there is no discomfort of the wrists/hands. Protecting Physical Safety * Make sure there are no trip hazards, e.g. trailing cables. This can reduce the danger of employees' tripping and harming themselves. – This can be reduced by taping cables to the wall or keeping wires in wire surrounds on the wall. * Make sure the electrical safety is upheld, e.g. electric checks (PAT), no water by the machines, not overloading sockets. This can reduce the danger of being electrocuted by the computers. – This can be reduced by making sure the company has regular electric checks, make sure no employees' take water near the machines, and make sure the sockets are not * Make sure there is safety equipment to avoid machinery falling. This can reduce the danger of employees' getting hurt by falling equipment. – This can be reduced by regularly checking the safety equipment and replacing it when needed. * Make sure employees' observe the Health and Safety rules. This can reduce the danger of injuries and the company being sued. – This can be reduced by telling employees' the Health and Safety rules and keeping them in sight for everyone to see. Protecting Flies from Loss * Organising Files. Make sure that the Files are organised e.g. meaningful file/folder names, Structuring files. – This makes sure that file/folder names are not forgotten and where the file/folder is isn't forgotten. * Backup strategies. Files should be backed up and frequently checked to make sure that they have not been tampered with. – This makes sure that files are not lost if they are accidentally deleted or lost somehow. Protecting files from unauthorised access Passwords * Passwords to open files. – This makes sure that no-one that is not authorised can open files. * Passwords to Modify documents/files. – This makes sure that no-one that is not authorised can modify files. * Passwords to protect the contents of the Documents. – This makes sure that no-one can delete all the contents of documents, or steal all the contents. * Choose a STRONG Password – Choosing a strong password is essential. If a weak password is chosen, then there is next-to-no point having a password because it can be easily hacked. Use numbers, uppercase letters, mixed with lowercase letters, and mixed with symbols. This will make your password strong, and VERY hard to crack!